
The subjects of the project corresponds to priority directions of researches in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, namely

1) Tendency of development of journalism and media;

2) Professional competence in the field of journalism and mass communications: Continuity and development.

This theme develops available works concerning professional qualities of the journalist and criteria of his qualification. In this respect it serves as a development of the SJMC’s research traditions. At the same time the culture of understanding as a specific characteristic of modern journalism actually is not considered in the research and pedagogical literature. In this respect the theme is essentially new. The indirect reference to it on a modern material is found out in works on cultural studies, sociology, and hermeneutics. The culture of understanding should be considered in a context of interaction of modern journalism with the world of life, the University’s influence on a level of professional culture in mass media and perfection of conceptual-categorial apparatus in journalism and mass communications researches.

The culture of understanding includes culture of thinking, possession of tools of the social knowledge, the developed professional intuition and ability to perceive people, events, ideas, and processes; but first of all the wish to understand and to be understood. It predetermines a qualitative level of activity in practical journalism and in a science on journalism and creates the certain algorithms and models of professional behavior. The requirement of understanding relates to a problem of the person in the modern world, his education as continuous process of the knowledge, new ethical and aesthetic standards.

The theme is developed at theoretical and methodological level, as well as empirical and applied ones, including intension of perfecting the matter and style of interaction of the teachers’ body with students. Participants of the project represent the Theory of journalism and mass communications dept. and TV and radio journalism dept., with participation of post-graduate students.

Key words: Culture, Understanding, Journalism, Professional Competence, Professional Methods, Teaching.
