Information letter in english

Information letter on the conference “Media in the modern world. Young researchers” SPbSU, 9-11 March 2016

St Petersburg State University invites you to participate in the 15th international conference «Media in themodern world. Young researchers», which will take place on 9-11 March 2016.

The organizer of the conference is the Institute “School of Journalism and Mass Communication».

Theses of the presentations will be published in an electronic collection of the conference materials. Collection of materials has publisher's imprint and the materials presented in it are independent publications.

After the end of the conference, the printed collection of articles of the best speakers and finalists of competition of research works will be published.

Sections and round tables of the 15th international conference “Media in the modern world. Young researchers»

Round table “Journalism and service to society: historical context” (head, senior teacher Konstantin V. Silantiev)

Section “Print media: social and professional principles of the journalist and editorial board” (head, Prof.Alla Teplyashina)

Section “Literary and media criticism: history and modernity” (head, senior teacher of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Egor V.Sartakov).

Section “Journalistic education: international standards and Russian traditions” (head, senior teacher Anna S.Smolyarova)

Section “Ethics and aesthetics of speech behavior” (head, senior teacher Ekaterina A.Shcheglova)

Round table: “«Insiders» and «strangers»” in television and radio broadcasting: who, how and why? (head, prof. Marina A.Berezhnaya)

Round table: “Government and society in the era of digital communication” (head, prof. Dmitrii.P.Gavra)

Section “Technologies of television creativity: digital era” (head, prof. Vitalii F.Poznin)

Section “Typographics: history, theory and practice” (head, senior teacher Vasilii V.Bertels)

Section “Speech image of art journalism” (head, prof. Natalia S.Tsvetova)

Round table: «Management of media under media crisis» (head, senior teacher Pavel Y.Gurushkin)

Section «Mass media of Eurasian union: development of humanitarian contacts» (head, associate professor Zalina F. Khubetsova)

Section «Image making and marketing of cities and regions» (head, senior teacher Yulia V.Taranova)

Section “Contemporary trends of advertisement in mass media” (head, associate professor Elena A.Kaverina)

Section «Political (de) mobilization online» (head, associate professor Ilia A.Bykov)

Section «Journalism about scientific discoveries: the search of dialogue with audience» (head, senior teacher Natalia A.Pavlushkina)

Section “Psychology of journalism: a human and text» (head, associate professor Anastasia N.Grishanina)

Discussion "New media and global media practices" (heads, associate professor Svetlana S.Bodrunova, associate professor Anna S.Smolyarova)

Film festival "Journalism history: video format". Competitive display of movies and videos of students (head, associate professor Konstantin A. Alekseev)

Organizing committee: +7(812)328-46-48


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