Принимаются заявки на участие в Российско-германском симпозиуме «Транскультурные медиаисследования: новые вызовы в контексте цифровой коммуникации и социальных изменений» (на английском языке).

Симпозиум пройдет на факультете журналистики СПбГУ с 28 февраля по 2 марта 2012 года.


Факультет журналистики СПбГУ совместно со Свободным университетом Берлина, при поддержке Федерального министерства образования и науки ФРГ и Германского дома науки и инноваций.


Молодые исследователи факультета журналистики СПбГУ и Института публицистики и теории коммуникации Свободного университета Берлина.

Язык симпозиума: английский

Срок подачи заявок: до 10 ноября 2011 года

Подробная информация о содержании симпозиума и форме подаче заявок

German-Russian Year of Science 2011/2012
Symposium: Transcultural Media Research – New Challenges in the Context of Digital Communication and Social Change
St. Petersburg State University and Free University Berlin
28.02.2012-02.03.2012, St. Petersburg

In the context of the German-Russian Year of Science 2011/2012, the Faculty of Journalism of the St. Petersburg SU and the Institute for Media and Communication Studies of the FU Berlin are hosting a symposium for scholars from both institutions. Main aim is to encourage scientific research among young academics in both countries and to build a foundation for a future transnational cooperation between the two universities.

Both partners decided to frame the symposium with the topic of Transcultural Media Research and a focus on New Challenges in the Context of Digital Communication and Social Change. This choice bears in mind different dimensions of scientific work: on the one hand side, the focus is on transcultural research. Media development in a globalized world cannot be understood within the borders of the nation state. Comparative research and research on media transformations plays an important role in both institutes. On the other hand side, in the context of digitalization and related changes in both online- and offline-communication, both Germany and Russia are facing new challenges and opportunities of mediated communication in public spheres. The scientists who take part in the symposium get the chance to present and discuss their research in an intercultural forum, which encourages the transfer of knowledge in a dynamic field.

The intercultural exchange provides the participants with the ability to delve into the development of future media models and their opportunities in the context of changing economic and communicative global conditions and also discuss the impact of social media and related issues. The event is both a step for further qualification and it intensifies the relationship between the two departments and thus advances the opportunity for a sustainable cooperation.

Program of the Symposium:

We are planning a 4-day symposium with joint workshops. The detailed topics will be chosen alongside the research interests of the participants. In addition to that, a field trip with the opportunity to visit media projects and editorial departments in St. Petersburg will be organized.

Day 1: Arrival, Get-Together, Introduction of the Faculty of Journalism in St. Petersburg, Introduction of the Participants

Day 2: Symposium / Workshops

Day 3: Symposium / Field Trip

Day 4: Room for Collegial Exchange and Further Discussion of the Joint Master Program, Departure

Researchers who are interested in taking part in the symposium are kindly asked to send an abstract for the presentation of their work in St. Petersburg (one page, about 3000 characters, in English) until Friday, November 4, 2011 to:


St. Petersburg SU, Anna Litvinenko: litvinanna (at) mail.ru

FU Berlin, Saskia Sell: saskia.sell@fu-berlin.de

The organizing team is very much looking forward to your participation!

10 ноября 2011


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На данном информационном ресурсе могут быть опубликованы архивные материалы с упоминанием физических и юридических лиц, включенных Министерством юстиции Российской Федерации в реестр иностранных агентов, а также организаций, признанных экстремистскими и запрещенных на территории Российской Федерации.