Noopolitical Aspect of international Jornalism

Noopolitical Aspect of international Jornalism

Nikonov S.B.

Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 17 (1): 21-25, 2013.

Indexed in Scopus.

A modern world dismissed a thesis that the Cold War is over. International journalists work for the benefit of their states, entering into confrontation with each other every day, using the new technologies of communication media. Practically, the mass media has become the mean of manipulation. It is possible to change any political system of another state using the mass media. For this the information strategies are developed. The article provides a definition of noopolitics, as a strategy of international processes manipulation by means of mass media, used for åðó formation in general public positive or negative relation to external or internal policy of the state or the block of states in order to create a positive or negative image of ideas and promulgated moral values. With the development of global information space, the political systems are developed new countries, such as Kosovo, South Ossetia, West Sahara, South Sudan, are being formed. What was considered logically organized and complete in the world policy, it is destroyed now. A new understanding of geopolitics, as the influence of world policy on international relations, emerges in the modern world taking into consideration the role and place of mass media and journalism.

Key words: Mass media, Communication media, Noopolitics, Geopolitics, International journalism

18 апреля 2014


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На данном информационном ресурсе могут быть опубликованы архивные материалы с упоминанием физических и юридических лиц, включенных Министерством юстиции Российской Федерации в реестр иностранных агентов, а также организаций, признанных экстремистскими и запрещенных на территории Российской Федерации.