Online Public Sphere in Russia and Its Role In The Movement “For Fair Elections”

Online Public Sphere in Russia and Its Role In The Movement “For Fair Elections”

Litvinenko A.A.

In: Vilaams marxistisch tijdschrift, Nr.1, 2012. P. 130 – 134.

This article examines the evolution of the online public sphere in Russia and its de- mocratic potential, which was several years ago considered as ‘failed’ (Oates, 2008; Fossato, 2008). However the for- mation of the protest movement “For fair elections” in the Internet in December 2011, that managed a spill-over from on- line into offline public sphere, has shown that the RuNet was underestimated. The author argues that the democratic potenti- al of the Russian Web has undergone rapid development, not only due to the political conjuncture, but also because of the emer- gence of a new generation of young “digi- tal natives” coming into political activism. The author also analyses specific features of the online social mobilization in Russia and makes conclusions about the perspec- tives of deliberative discourse within the Russian web.

2 января 2012


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На данном информационном ресурсе могут быть опубликованы архивные материалы с упоминанием физических и юридических лиц, включенных Министерством юстиции Российской Федерации в реестр иностранных агентов, а также организаций, признанных экстремистскими и запрещенных на территории Российской Федерации.